Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Chelsea & Ben

So I'm gonna finally post pics here. Yep real pics not just pics from my iphone. Which by the way is no more. I broke the glass at my Tampa wedding and it's been working fine except that it's kinda dumb looking. So I ordered new glass from Hong Kong and was all excited when it actually arrived and proceeded to follow instructions on youtube for do it yourself. Well apparently I'm not the technical wizard i believed I was, because I never got to the glass part as my phone was in 4 pieces by that stage instead of 2. long story short, i was in disbelief, i was sad, i was mad, and now i'm over it. honestly it's been nice not being addicted to looking at my phone every 10 minutes for an email or facebook, myspace, new app, twitter, todo list, grocery list, saisuke,.....tear

anyways, the couple Chelsea and Ben. What can I say. I really enjoyed these guys. They were just on it from start to finish. I tried a few times to give them some direction with taking a more dramatic picture or something more serious and it just wasn't them. From that point on I just shut up pretty much and let them take me on a ride. I was laughing for most of the shoot. And the two of them are just so great together. People you just enjoy being with. I can not wait for their wedding in Alta next year, I think it's gonna be a blast.
Let me know what you think of the pics. I'm gonna put a few up on my website tomorrow. Cheers!

oh and visit their website, it's pretty cute.

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